Monday, April 22, 2013

Modest Monday

              I have been reading the Modest Mom Blog for two years now. I have wanted to post a what-I-wore-type picture on the Modest Monday Link Up, but I am always on the other side of the camera. The side that includes phrases like, “Look at Mama!” “Put that down!” “Get your finger out of your nose, please!”

                Sunday morning I had to have a picture of my little crew all ready for church. This was baby sister’s first Sunday at church, and I had to commemorate it. (She was 1 month old on Saturday! I can hardly believe that much time has flown by already.) My husband wanted to take a picture of me with the kids as well, and I thought, “Hey, I could use this for Modest Monday!”

                My outfit consisted of what I could piece together in the closet that actually fit. I’m at that awkward point where my maternity clothes are too big and my regular clothes are too small. My skirt is a long black skirt that I bought from JcPenney several years ago. My tank is from Kohl’s and the white cardigan from Target. I’m wearing a Halftee tank underneath because the neckline is a little lower than I am comfortable with. I knew everyone would be stopping by our pew to see the baby after church and didn’t want them getting a peak as well.

                It’s definitely a snapshot. The look on my middle child’s face is priceless. It looks mischievous just like him. It kind of looks like he’s hiding a frog in his pocket, too.  I feel like my children need little captions by their heads.

Baby Girl: “Ooo! I have fingers!”

Batman: “I love my helicopter.”

Thor: “Ask me what’s in my pocket.”

                One day I will sit down and write a post on what modesty means to me and about the blessed birth of Baby Girl, but for now I’m going to call it a day for blogging and start another load of laundry while she naps. That way when she wakes, I can spend that time holding her!