Monday, January 14, 2013

DVD Choices for Young Boys

     We are a tv watching family. There I said it. I know a lot of families are anti-tv and make it perfectly fine without one. We, however, are not one of those families. TV is a big form of entertainment for all of us.

    However, there is a lot of garbage on tv, and I am picky about what we watch.  My 4 year old does not have free range over the remote. He's 4. He's not mature enough to make a wise, moral decision about what to watch. (Let's face it. A lot of 34 year olds aren't mature enough to make a good decision.) Therefore, I like to provide him with options that are entertaining to him but also offer a spiritual lesson.


         We recently discovered "Angel Wars", and my 4 year old son LOVES it! It really gives him his Star Wars kicks without watching Yoda and Anakin for the millioneth time. These angels wear cool armor and use neat weapons to fight the evil that came from the fallen angels. It's not too violent and provides a good message to boys about fighting for good versus evil.


     We have always loved Veggie Tales, but this new tale really takes the cake in our house! Both of my boys love superheroes. They can both spot someone in a Spiderman or Batman t-shirt from 100 yards. However, you really have to be careful with the mainstream superhero cartoons. Most are not targeted for the kindergarten demographic, and some of them are just so "dark" that I wouldn't really even want my husband to watch them.

     The League of Incredible Vegetables provides superhero style entertainment with a strong Christian message. Junior Asparagus is a huge fan of the League and becomes a junior member. When a bad guy comes into town and captures the League, it's up to him to save the day. The Alfred-type mentor teaches Junior (through another catchy Veggie Tales song) that he can't put trust in himself or even superheroes. He must trust in God.


     3-2-1 Penguins is a really cool animated series put out by the makers of Veggie Tales. I'd say this show is more boy oriented though. Each episode involves twin brother and sister, Jason and Michelle, who are having some sort of struggle (sharing, caring for others, laziness, etc). They are friends with these astronaut penguins and end up sorting out their problem via an adventure with those guys. Every episode quotes a Proverb that relates to their problem, and they end up back at home saying their prayers before bedtime.



     Bo on the Go is a really neat little show that gets your kids moving and exercising. Apparently it's a Canadian show, and I don't think it's available on DVD. My boys watch it on streaming Netflix and really enjoy it. There's no Christian message underlined in the show, but it's a nice add-in to get rid of some of that little boy energy.

     My list would obviously be for moms of kindergarten to early elementary aged boys. As they get older, I plan to provide them with more age appropriate choices such as the Narnia movies and choices that would not be hindering to their spiritual health.

My Prayer for My Daughter

     I haven't posted in about 2 months, and during that time, we received very exciting news. It's a girl! I never expected the ultrasound tech to say those words. We have 2 boys. My husband is 1 of 3 boys. His dad is 1 of 5 boys. You get the idea. A girl was unexpected! But very welcome!
     The first thing I've done in all three pregnancies from the time we find out I'm pregnant is to pray for the child. Now that we know we are having a girl, my prayers are much different than they were with my boys!

     The most important thing any parent could pray for their child is that they will accept Jesus at a young age and be saved. I pray that my daughter and sons will answer Him the first time the Holy Spirit tugs at their hearts and live their lives with the desire to follow His will.

     I pray that she will be ladylike and feminine. I often think of the older ladies I know who are nearing the ends of their lives and of those who have already passed on and wonder who's going to take their place. It seems to be an insult to most to be called a lady nowadays. Most women want to be seen as being strong as any man. I pray my daughter will embrace her femininity. I pray for myself that I will be a good mentor in this area of her life!

     I pray that she will desire to be a homemaker. I hope she will find joy in maintaining her home in the physical and emotional sense and that she will be fulfilled by these things, not seeking fulfillment in a career outside the home. I truly love my role as keeper of the home and pray she (and my boys) will always be able to see that.

     I pray that she will be discreet. What is it with loud mouthed women? I can't really think of anything worse in a social setting than being stuck with a woman who has no filter on her mouth. One who seems to think she needs to be loud, rude, and say everything that pops into her head. There is nothing discreet about her. I have seen husbands embarassed by their wives' mouths many times.  I pray that my daughter never be one of those women. That she will understand the strength and beauty in knowing when to keep her thoughts to herself.

     I pray that she will desire to be a mother. I pray that her greatest joy in life will be raising children to fear the Lord. That she will want them at home with her to guard and train.

     I pray that she wait on the Lord to send her a Christian husband. I dated when I was a teenager and can vouch for the scars it leaves behind. I even almost fell into a marriage that would have definitely been miserable. I knew from the moment I said "yes" that it was not what God wanted for me. So many divorces could have been prevented if the couple had just waited on the Lord to bring them their spouse instead of going out and looking for him/her. I knew from the moment my husband and I started dating that it was "right", but how much pain could I have saved myself if I had waited patiently for Lord to bring him into my life? I pray that she will wait on God and enter marriage with her heart "unscarred".

     My list could go on and on! I truly believe the prayers we send up for our children make a big difference in shaping their lives. Of course, we can't merely pray for them and sit back and do nothing. I know that I have a huge responsibility ahead of me! I cannot expect her to be any of the things I desire for her if I don't first model it for her everyday. I am so far from perfect in so many aspects. I am so thankful for a merciful God who forgives me time and time again when I fail and pray that my children will see past my faults as well and see a mother who loves them so very much.

