Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Aiming to Please

     Tonight we are having peas for supper. Why is this a big deal? Well, I cooked the same peas about two weeks ago, and my husband raved over them. They're the same peas I've been cooking the same way since we've been married for six years but for some reason, he gave them rave reviews. I felt like I had won the Good Housekeeping Award!

     Now this wasn't the first time he has enjoyed my cooking. I consider myself a good cook, but Dear Husband is a man of few words. So when he expresses his happiness with something, I remember it.

      They always say "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach". Well, I already have his heart but if I can show him I love him and appreciate all he does by cooking a meal he really enjoys, I am pleased to do it!

      Love is more than saying the three little words before we go to bed at night. I am making the effort to show my love and my desire to please him.

      "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children" Titus 2:4

      One of the best ways to love my boys is by loving their Daddy. If they hear Mama saying "I love you" to Daddy but never doing anything to show it, I am not preparing them for future relationships.

      I'm not saying that I am a perfect wife. I make mistakes every day, but I'm seeking the Lord in our marriage and praying that He'll help me be the wife that He wants me to be.

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Proverbs 31 Thursdays

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Praying for Our Sons

          I wish they could stay this age. I really do. If I could just freeze time at this point, I could keep my sweet little boys just as they are. Blond haired and blue eyed with a love for super heroes, juice boxes, and chicken nuggets. Most importantly, they're innocent. Innocent to the evils of the world and all that lies past the safety that their Daddy and I provide.

          I want to protect my boys to shield them from anything that could hurt them physically, emotionally, spiritually. I recently saw a commercial (I don't remember the product) where the mom was trying to protect her son from everything. She even went to his P.E. class and defended him from the oncoming dodge balls! That mother was trying to save her child from the world through her own works.

         Our works as Christian mothers are not enough for our sons. The most important thing we can do for our boys is PRAY. They need our hearts to cry out to the Lord for their sake. The most powerful tool we have against the enemy is prayer.
          "Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth." Psalms 54:2

        I pray they will grow into strong young men of God capable of recognizing sin and wanting no part of it. I pray that they seek God's will for their lives and have a great desire to follow it. I pray that He will help them be pure until marriage and that they will wait for the Lord to bring them the spouse He has intended for them. It's never to early to pray for their wives either. I pray they will adorn the suit of armor that the Lord provides for them and wear it humbly.
         "...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

       Let's give our little guys a head start against the devil.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012



          Welcome! I'm starting this blog after being inspired by so many great blogs out there. I hope to soon be posting on topics that are dear to me such as marriage, modesty, feminity, and children. I also love cooking so I'll probably be throwing in some recipes here and there!
          I already know that I won't be posting every single day. I am distracted easily and have a husband and 2 little boys that need my attention so I can't get too caught up blogging!
         So grab a cup of coffee or some sweet tea and spend a few minutes with the musings of a Mississippi mom!